Friday 4 November 2011

New Opportunities and Christmas Madness!

I have been reminded that I am not fulfilling my Blogging duties! so here goes!

Between now and Christmas is a little frantic! 
Here is a rundown of events coming up!

I have a party at a friends house with The Handmade Nursery at Home on Nov 12th. I am really looking forward to this as I am sure there will be a lovely group of ladies there including some very old friends that I haven't seen in an age! There will be lots of Mums and Nans there so I will be taking lots of  skittle sets with me as they make a great Christmas present!

I also have a stall at The Made-It Market in Cambridge on November 26th and
at The Silver Jam Tea Club in Upminster on Dec 3rd I have also just booked to have a stall at The Visual Arts Centre at Frances Bardsley School, Romford. I'm a glutton for punishment!

I am very excited to be planning some sugar flower workshops that I am going to be teaching in the new year
More details about these will follow, there will be workshops galore to choose from, including felting, silver clay, papercrafts and Hardback Notebook making and many many more!

Here are some examples of my sugarcraft and cakes.

Bye for now, loads to do!!!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Five go to Leigh on Sea

It has been much longer than I had planned to leave it between posts! But I do have the excuse that I have been making like mad for the Vintage and Handmade Fair in Leigh on Sea on Saturday 17th September.

I won't be alone on this trip though as the title suggests, I have five new friends coming with me who have been created this week....

Five new dollies based on a wonderful pattern by Retromama. They will be coming along with me but hopefully they will find other great homes to go home to.
Here they are in more detail

The girls be being watched on their journey by Marvin....

He'll be keeping an eye out for them! (sorry!)

Hopefully I'll have a good day there and sell lots of lovely things, it should be an extra fun day out as it is the same weekend as The Old Leigh Regatta which is always packed with people having fun and is well worth a visit. 

The Fair itself is held in Leigh Community Centre and is over two floors with 60, yes 60! stalls booked in, selling a great range of handmade wares alongside wonderful vintage clothes and other items. It's a great chance to start your, dare I say it....Christmas shopping!

There is also a great pop up tea room inside the Community Centre to serve tea and home-made cakes to the lovely people who have supported us sellers by buying our makes.
So come and visit The Handmade Nursery at the Fair  I will offer a 10% discount to any blog followers if you quote BLOG1 when you buy from me at the stall!

Monday 22 August 2011

Virgin Blogger

Good afternoon blogging world and welcome to The Handmade Nursery Blog!
Just thought I would write a little hello note before my first 'proper' blog post which I am planning for sometime on Thursday.

Today I'll introduce you to a couple of people who you will be hearing about from time to time....
This is my daughter Fernie, who is currently being the Tooth Fairy!
this is our cat Mungo.

I have lots of exciting things to blog about in the next couple of months including knitting groups, workshops, craft markets and maybe a tutorial or two.

This is a busy time for me at the moment, I am getting ready for a few big events so am busily making stock, whilst trying to get my website up and running as well as starting folksy and etsy sites, not to mention this blog, oh and being a Mum!! Phew!